Do You Want to Sell More Cars and Make More Money?
Car Sales Assistant 2 will Help you Sell More Cars and Make More Money!!!
Car Sales Assistant 2 is a CRM designed to help you follow up with sold customers, unsold prospects (including walk-in ups, internet leads, phone ups) and help guide you in your follow-up to make you more successful.
* Follow up with multiple customer types including Sold Customers, Walk-in Prospects, Internet Leads, Phone Ups, Orphan Owners and More!
* Maintain a "Want List" so you can contact your prospect when you get a rare or special vehicle in stock!
* Keep track of your commission and grosses.
* Never be embarrassed again for forgetting a customer! Do a "Quick Search" by Vehicle Make, Model, Full or Partial VIN, Stock Number, Name and act like you have the memory of an elephant!
* Easy "Customer Lists" so you can see groups of customers like "Sold this Month", "Sold this Year", "Todays Business" and More!
I have been selling Car Sales Assistant and other software packages specifically built for car salespeople for over 13 years. I have 18 years experience in car sales/F&I and 30+ years experience programming.